Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Boxes, Boxes, and More Boxes

Hey all! We are in the process of settling in our new home which is very exciting. I love having a laundry room. As I look around the house, I keep asking out loud, "Did we really fit all this stuff in our apartment?".

We have been really busy moving, unpacking, and chasing Jack who is now walking. He is saying "Uh Oh" at the right moments and sometimes not the right moments. He is giving kisses and I just love him more every day. John and I get so much joy and laughter from our little man.

I can't believe it has been a month since we last had an entry. And sad to say, I don't have many photos. Hopefully, in the next few weeks we will remedy that. My dear friend, Sandi, kept Jack on moving day, which was such a blessing. The pics above are of Jack at her house and playing with her 9 month old, Nathan.