Friday, July 27, 2007

Jack is getting tubes.

Just wanted to let you all know that Jack will be getting tubes in his ears in a week. We saw the ENT this week. He keeps fluid on both ears and has had 6 ear infections since December. We are hoping tubes will do the trick and he can start feeling better. John and I would appreciate your prayers for our little man. We will keep you updated. Have a great weekend.

Out and About

Jack at the pier.

Jack climbing.

Jack swinging.

On the slide...

One of our favorite things to do in Daphne is walk in what is known as "downtown" or "Old Daphne." We love to walk down to the pier on the Bay. I get my walk in and Jack loves being outside.

Their is also a great playground in that area. It is a lot of fun watching him discover new things. For the first time yesterday, Jack cried and protested when I took him out of the swing and put him back in the stroller to go home. Once again, we put the camera cell phone to use. Not great quality pics but we capture the moment.

Shopping with Mom

I just love the camera on the cell phone. We can capture lots of moments throughout the day. Jack loves to ride in the buggy at Target and Wal-mart. He loves being out and about and seeing all the people.

Monday, July 16, 2007

John and Jack

There is nothing sweeter than watching John and Jack play together. Jack was glad to see his "da da" after being gone all last week.

Visiting Friends

While in Birmingham, we got to go over to Dana Baugher's house and play with Arden, her 18 month old. We had a great visit.
Also, we got to visit with Mary Cole and her six month old, Crews. We went for a fun walk around the neighborhood.

Busy in Birmingham

We had a great time in Birmingham last week seeing Grandmama and Pop and Aunt Anna. It was a quick two days. Jack got to visit Grandmama at her school. He got lots of hugs and even tried to help her put books in a basket. I got to see Jim in the play, The Damned Yankees. It was wonderful! Here I am with Cheryl, Jim, and Anna Joy after the play. Many thank yous to Aunt Melinda and Mary Jo for keeping Jack so I could go to see the play.

Saying Goodbye

It is always bittersweet when we leave family in Birmingham and Statesboro. We hate to leave but we love coming home and seeing daddy. Here are some pics from last week on the morning we left Statesboro.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Visiting Betsy's Family

Left: All the Grandsons with Papa Perry.

Below: Jack, Austin, and Carson

*Riding in the golf cart with cousin Heather and Gordy.
*Carson and Jack on the Jeep.
*Swimming with Austin at Aunt Ann's.

Jack and I got to take Grandma Sue back to Statesboro, Georgia after a great week with her in Daphne, AL. These pictures were made this week while we were there. We always love seeing family and friends and being with our cousins, Carson and Austin. John stayed in Daphne and is busy working. We missed him a lot! On our way back to Daphne, we are going through Birmingham to see John's parents and his sister, Anna Joy.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Jack and Malachi finally meet.

Lisa Radke, one of my dearest friends from college, came to Mobile to visit family. She and I were pregnant at the same time and the boys were born a week apart. They currently live in St. Louis and are about to move to Durham, NC. We got together for the boys to play. We had a wonderful time!

Fourth of July

On July 4, we had a cookout with our church in Fairhope. They had music, a watermelon eating contest, hamburgers, ribs, and much more. We had a great time. It was fun getting to know more people in our church. Jack had a good time as well, especially waving the little flag that was used for decoration. John helped grill the food and my mom helped me with Jack. Jack tried watermelon for the first time this week. I don't think he liked the texture. The picture of Jack and John is one of my favorite. I thank the Lord for all our blessings.

Grandma Sue in Town

Grandma Sue came to town this week. We had a great time.
Jack loves all the attention :). Above are a few pictures from the week. He loves to pose for Grandma. (Please ignore the date on the pics. The camera was set with the wrong one.)