Friday, June 29, 2007

Jack and & Grandmothers

We couldn't pay tribute to the grandpas with out showing the wonderful grandmothers. As you can see, he doesn't lack for love and he is quite content with all of them. The picture of above is Jack with Myrtle, John's grandaddy's wife, on his mom's side. It was taken at Thanksgiving. Jack wasn't quite three months.

Below is Jack at Easter with John's wonderful mom, Cheryl. Annabelle has coined the phrase, "Gammy." Annabelle is Rachel and Pepper's two year old. She is a treasure! Rachel is one of John's sister. She and Pepper also have a 6 month old boy named Logan.

At Easter, Gammy had all three grandchildren together for the first time and believe or not, I don't think we got a picture.

Below is Jack with Grandma Jenny. This is John's grandma on his dad's side. He loves going to their house when we are visting Birmingham.

Here is another with Gammy. He loves his Gammy!

Below is Jack with my mama, whom we call Grandma Sue. This was taken just last week when she came to Daphne for a visit. We love having she and Papa Perry come.

Here is another with Grandma Sue taken around Thanksgiving. She has knack for rocking him to sleep.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Jack & His Grandfathers

We are so blessed by all our family that we get to see pretty often. I thought it would be neat to pay a tribute to the grandpas and great grandpas.
The first pic is Jack with John's grandpa (his dad's dad.)
The second pic Jack with John's grandaddy (his mom's dad.)
The third pic is Jack with John's dad (his dad's dad.)
And last but not least is Jack with Papa Perry, my dad.
We are blessed! Love you all!

Guess who Jack favors besides his daddy?

We have discovered that our little Jack actually resembles his beautiful Aunt Anna Joy's pictures when she was a baby. Check it out. It is amazing. Anna Joy is the one in the pink dress :).

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Betsy the Blogger

Hey all! I am attempting to "blog." Wow, is blog a verb? I am getting old. I have been so excited and encouraged at how easy it is to keep up with Rachel and Pepper and the kids that I am copying their idea to start a blog. I think someone once said that copying is the highest form of flattery (although I am sure it wasn't said in those words).
Just so you know, I don't have any idea what I am doing. I just googled how to start a blog and I have been learning step by step. So here we are- life with the Blackmons. I love sharing it with you all and hope you enjoy it as well. If you see typos, just know Jack was probably sitting on my lap while I typed. I tend to get a little chatty so bear with me. Jack seems to possess that quality as well. Or at least, John thinks so. :)

New Favorite Pic of Jack

Jack loves the water and this picture depicts his true personality, which as far as we can tell is very intent on having a fun, being around people, and being in constant motion. John and I smile every day when we think of how fun and lively he is. The first weekend in June we were in Birmingham and he went in the pool at Gammy and Pop's house.