Monday, December 3, 2007

3 Little Christmas Monkeys

We spent Thanksgiving with my family in Statesboro and we attempted to get a shot of Jack and my two nephews, Carson and Austin, all in matching Christmas PJs. The first and shot is this year and the third shot was last.

Like I said we attempted. I tried to bribe them with chocolate chip cookies.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

In years to come, Jack will kill me for publishing this picture. I had just put on his brown tights for the costume.

Jack and Mama at the Fall Festival

Jack pushing an oversized basketball.

Jack is trying to understand the game where you throw the football through the hole.

Just a moment where Jack is looking around trying to take everything in.

This year for Halloween Jack was a puppy. I borrowed the outfit from a friend, and it was a perfect fit. He was one of the cutest puppies I have ever seen. John had to work late, so Jack and I took off for our church's fall festival. He loves going out and seeing people. He checked out everything and kept me busy chasing him. Now that he is walking, you may have noticed that I update the blog less and less. Hope you enjoy the pics. We had a fun time! Oh yeah, he can now say a something that sounds like dog. If he hears a dog barking, he says "dog" and points.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Boxes, Boxes, and More Boxes

Hey all! We are in the process of settling in our new home which is very exciting. I love having a laundry room. As I look around the house, I keep asking out loud, "Did we really fit all this stuff in our apartment?".

We have been really busy moving, unpacking, and chasing Jack who is now walking. He is saying "Uh Oh" at the right moments and sometimes not the right moments. He is giving kisses and I just love him more every day. John and I get so much joy and laughter from our little man.

I can't believe it has been a month since we last had an entry. And sad to say, I don't have many photos. Hopefully, in the next few weeks we will remedy that. My dear friend, Sandi, kept Jack on moving day, which was such a blessing. The pics above are of Jack at her house and playing with her 9 month old, Nathan.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Just a few more from the weekend.

Practicing walking with Pop. He took a couple of steps by himself this weekend.
Playing with the puzzle Aunt Rachel, Uncle Pepper, Annabelle and Logan sent Jack. Thank you! It is perfect with extra chunky pieces. Already an Auburn fan and ready for the big game. Too bad they lost! :(
Tickling Papa Perry.
Trying to get Grandma Sue's earring.

More Birthday Pics

The pics are a little out of order. Here is Jack helping his daddy put his new wagon together. His Aunt Angie, Uncle Michael, and Austin and Aunt Christy, Uncle Matt, and Carson gave this to him. We had been using the neighbors, so we are glad to have one. Thanks ya'll!
Sitting with Grammy. Jack didn't want to wear his cowboy hat.

We had a cowboy theme for the party. The cookie cake was delicious!
We also had a boot pinata. Jack was scared of it and a little unsure. We had help hitting hit from all the kids in the park.

Jack enjoyed the chocolate ice cream that followed the cake.

The Cake

Jack sees the cake and the candle.
John brings it closer to him to take a bite. He got the hang of it pretty quickly.
He finally made it past the icing.
Jack is still eating out of his hands even though we have taken the cake away.

Jack's Birthday Party

Jack opening his first present. Thank you Grammy and Pop.
Crawling down the slide with Grammy.
Going down the big boy slide with Pop!
Playing with the dinosaur.
The best two grandpas in the world!
Hey Ya'll. This past Saturday we celebrated Jack's birthday. He will be one this Friday. We can't believe it. Both sets of grandparents were able to come for the big event. We went to a local park and just played and had cake and ice cream.

Friday, August 31, 2007

We bought a house!

Just want to let you all know that this week we closed on our first home. We are so excited and after months of looking, we feel like God brought the perfect house our way. It is ideal for our family and we will be moving at the end of September. Here is a pic of the home. We can't wait for Jack to have a yard to play in and tromp through.

Update on Jack's Ears

Hey all! Just a note to let you know that Jack is doing much better. His first few days after getting tubes were great and then he got a terrible ear infection in his left ear. It has been draining for almost 3 weeks. Yesterday we went to the doctor and it has finally cleared up. We went through three antibiotics and then low and behold this week he broke out in a rash all over his body. Poor little guy. We still don't know what caused the rash but we think it was from a high fever he ran over the weekend. Last night was the first night he really acted like himself. It was soooooooo good to see him feeling better. He has been quite a trooper.

Here is a recent pic from one of our treks to get the mail. I put him in the wagon and stroll to the apartment mailboxes.

Hope all is well!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Riding the Carousel at the Mobile Mall

We took Jack to the mall today to ride the carousel.

John looks really excited, doesn't he??? :)

We are about to move Jack to his "big boy" carseat. He is testing it out in the living room. I think he thought it was his own personal lounge chair.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

More Pics at the Beach

Jack inspects the wheels on everything.

We love this place because Jack is able to sit and crawl in the water.

Jack and Daddy! Jack has gotten quite attached to his "da da." We try to get him to say "ma ma" and he looks and me and grins and usually says "da da." Jack and Mommy!

Out and About with Jack

We went to Wings with a couple from church and had a great time. We don't often have an extra person to take a family pic so we took advantage of the photo op.

Jack is all smiles! He looks more and more like a Blackmon each day.

On Sunday, we went down to Gulf Shores and visited a little area opposite the beach called West Pass where there is sand and calm water. Jack had a blast.

Wading in the water with Daddy.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Feeding the Geese

One one of recent trips to Bham, we went to feed the geese at a near by lake. We had hoped to find some ducks, but oh well.... Jack was very intrigued by the geese. We tried to get Jack to throw some of the bread but he ate it instead.